Greg is here to help you create the home you have always wanted.
Contact UsGreg is here to help you create the home you have always wanted.
Contact UsWhen you step inside an ICF home, it’s apparent that this is no ordinary house. ICF homes make use of a combination of steel-reinforced concrete and expanded polystyrene (EPS), which is one of the best insulating materials out there. The result is a durable and energy efficient foundation that is also safe and provides excellent noise reduction.
As homeowners become more concerned with rising energy costs and preparation against natural disaster—especially with rampant Central Texas flooding and wildfires—ICF construction is a winning choice for a home that’s not just beautiful but built to last.
Insulating concrete forms (ICF) refers to a wall construction method utilizing cast concrete walls. These walls are stacked between two layers of foam insulation forms. Stacked in an interlocking manner, these forms are bonded to steel reinforcing rods and left in place. This sturdy foundation results in airtight homes that are energy efficient and airtight. This makes them able to withstand severe weather conditions and natural disasters that include wildfires, floods and tornadoes.
An ICF home isn’t limited to a certain architectural style—these homes can have a traditional finish, from brick to wood to siding on the interior or exterior. .
YYou may be wondering what benefits the construction of an ICF home has for your everyday life. Below is a list:
If you’re looking for an Austin ICF home builder, Mangum Builders is here to help make the process as simple and stress free as possible. Contact us today, and let us make your vision of the ideal home a reality.
Greg is here to help you create the home you have always wanted.
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“We move walls, raise headers, lift ceilings, install new windows, replace brick with stone, and straighten crooked ceilings and floors. If we can get it on paper, we can do it!”