
5 Frequently Asked Questions for Custom Home Builders

By June 20, 2024Custom Homes
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Building a custom home involves making plenty of decisions. One way to make the best choices for your humble abode is to ask your builder questions. It will help you better understand the work involved in your project, from the designing phase to the completion. 

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Here are the answers to five of the most frequently asked questions for custom home builders. 

1. Do I Need to Hire an Architect or Plan Designer First? 

Contrary to what many may assume, beginning a custom home project doesn’t start with an architect or a plan designer. Builders can provide essential insights into your project’s constructability, costs and overall feasibility from the get-go.  

2.  What Sizes of Homes Do You Build? 

Custom home builders don’t typically bind projects within strict square footage parameters. Whether you’re aspiring for a cozy 3,000-square-foot property or a more expansive 7,000-square-foot estate, reputable contractors like Mangum Builders can cater to various scales. We will discuss how your home’s size can impact your overall budget to set realistic expectations.

3. What Is Your Price Per Square Foot? 

There is no fixed rate for custom homes given their highly customized nature. Various factors can influence your project’s cost, such as materials, site specifics, design intricacies and personal preferences. We will closely work with you to maximize your budget by focusing on essential features without compromising quality. 

4. How Long Does It Take to Build a Home? 

Property size, design complexity, weather and material availability are common factors that can affect the timeline of a custom home. Intricately designed or larger houses often take longer to build. Maintaining open lines of communication during the entire project can help establish realistic timelines and expectations. 

5. Should I Get Multiple Proposals From Different Builders?  

Obtaining multiple quotes will give you an idea about the cost of your custom home. It will also help you find the ideal contractor for your project. Experts recommend getting at least three estimates from different companies. You want to work with a local builder who is easy to communicate with, specializes in your specific project and demonstrates a clear understanding of your goals. 

Ready to build your dream home? Make the most of your investment by choosing a dependable contractor like Mangum Builders. We strive to deliver exceptional craftsmanship and superior customer experience. Call us at (512) 264-9190 or complete our online form to reach our experienced team.